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Dr. Zoë T. Plakias

Assistant Professor

Department of Economics

Western Washington University

Adjunct Assistant Professor

Department of Agricultural, Environmental, and Development Economics

Ohio State University

Professional Leadership

Past Chair, AAEA Mentorship Committee

Past Faculty Advisor, AAEA Graduate Student Section

Current Research Areas

Evaluating Food System Investments + Innovations

Some questions I'm interested in:

  • How can we build a food system of the future that's better for all people and the environment?

  • What scales of food system activities (local, regional, national, global) are optimal and in what situations?

  • Are food system innovations and investments always meeting their intended goals? If not, how can we improve?

Evaluating Food + Agricultural Policy

Some questions I'm interested in:

  • Are food and agricultural policies having their intended effects? 

  • What are the unintended consequences of food and agricultural policies?

  • What kinds of policies will increase food system resilience to shocks?

  • How can food and agricultural polices better support marginalized people?

Exploring the role of Democracy in Food Systems

Some questions I'm interested in:

  • What is the role of democratic organizations (e.g., cooperatives) in food systems?

  • Can democratic organizations in food systems help address food system stakeholder concerns?

  • What are the opportunities and challenges for democratic organizations and participation in food systems?

Reflecting on the Work of Higher Education

Some questions I'm interested in:

  • What pedagogical techniques are most effective for teaching about food and agricultural economics?

  • How do we alleviate disparities in terms of race, ethnicity, gender, and institutional type in how we do our work as applied economists?

  • What are the most effective models for interdisciplinary research and outreach to address wicked problems?

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Publications + Working Papers

Peer-reviewed journal article
Engaging students in Open Dialogue about use of ai tools in Economics courses [Request manuscript]

Journal: Applied Economics Teaching Resources

Authors: Zoë Plakias

Publication year: Forthcoming

Peer-reviewed journal article
Estimating Perennial Crop Supply Response: A Methodology Literature Review [VIEW ARTICLE]

Journal: Agricultural Economics

Authors: Jonathon Siegle, Gregory Astill, Zoë Plakias, and Daniel Tregeagle

Publication year: 2024

Awards for this work: Outstanding Published Paper Award which Significantly Contributed to the SCE Discipline (Specialty Crop Economics Section, Agricultural and Applied Economics Association); David Merrifield Faculty Research Award (College of Business and Economics, Western Washington University)

Peer-reviewed journal article

Household Food Security and Food Sourcing Patterns during the COVID-19 Pandemic in Appalachian Ohio [View ARTICLE]

Journal: Journal of the Academy of Nutrition and Dietetics

Authors: Kyle R. Busse, Kathryn I. Poppe, Qiang Wu, Stephanie B. Jilcott Pitts, Lindsey Haynes-Maslow, Alice S. Ammerman, Kathleen Krzyzanowski Guerra, Zoë Plakias, Andrew S. Hanks, Katharine Garrity, Rachel Gillespie, Bailey Houghtaling, Rebecca A. Seguin-Fowler, and Jennifer Garner

Publication year: 2024

Working paper (in review)

Nutritional Information and Food Choices Among Food Pantry Clients: Evidence from a Field Experiment [Request manuscript]

Authors: Bhagyashree Katare, Brittni Echols, Zoë Plakias, Rudy Nayga, and Krystal Hodge

Most recent version: 2024

Peer-reviewed journal article

Food insecurity, fruit and vegetable consumption, and use of the Supplemental Nutrition Assistance Program (SNAP) in Appalachian Ohio [View ARTICLE]

Journal: PLoS ONE

Authors: Lei Xu, Zoë Plakias, Andrew Hanks, and Jennifer Garner

Publication year: 2024

Peer-reviewed journal article

Leveraging Every Door Direct Mail for Remote Recruitment of a Rural Study Sample: Response Rate and Representativeness [view article]

Journal: Preventive Medicine Reports

Authors: Khawlah Al-Muhanna, Katharine Jeane Garrity, Zoë Plakias, Andrew Hanks, and Jennifer Garner

Publication year: 2023

Peer-reviewed journal article

Economic Governance of Cannabis: Implications of Polycentric Governance in Mendocino County [VIEW ARTICLE]

Journal: Public Administration Quarterly

Authors: Keith Taylor, Nathan Goodman, Parisa Kavousi, Taylor Giamo, Gwen Arnold, and Zoë Plakias

Publication year: 2023

Peer-reviewed book chapter
Consumer CooperativeS: Purpose and Possibilities 
[VIEW Book Chapter]

Book: Handbook of Cooperatives and Mutuals (Matthew Elliott and Michael Boland, eds.)

Authors: Zoë Plakias and Jason Scott Entsminger

Publication year: 2023

Outreach publication

Preparing for Food System Resiliency in Ohio: Policy and Planning Lessons from COVID-19 [view report]

Format: Technical report

Authors: Shoshanah Inwood, Zoë Plakias, Jill Clark, Nicole Wright, Aiden Irish, and Josh Vittie

Publication year: 2022

Peer-reviewed book chapter

Interdisciplinary System and network Perspectives in Food and Agricultural Economics [View book chapter]

Book: Handbook of Agricultural Economics, Vol. 6 (Chris Barrett and David Just, eds.)

Authors: Chyi-Lyi (Kathleen) Liang and Zoë Plakias

Publication year: 2022

Peer-reviewed journal article

I Scream, You Scream, We All Scream for Local Ice Cream: Consumer Preference for Locally Processed and Packaged Foods [View article]

Journal: Agribusiness

Authors: Xiao Dong, H. Allen Klaiber, and Zoë T. Plakias

Publication year: 2023

Peer-reviewed journal article

Past, Present, and Future: Status of Women and Minority Faculty in Agricultural and Applied Economics [view Article]

Journal: Applied Economic Perspectives and Policy

Authors: Jana Hilsenroth, Anna Josephson, Kelly Grogan, Lurleen Walters, Zoë Plakias, Leah Palm-Forster, Simanti Banerjee, and Tara Wade

Publication year: 2022

Peer-reviewed journal article

ON THE Money: Characterizing Banking and Lending in the California Cannabis Industry [VIEW ARTICLE]

Journal: Agricultural Finance Review

Authors: Zoë Plakias, Margaret Jodlowski, Taylor Giamo, Parisa Kavousi, and Keith Taylor

Publication year: 2022

Peer-reviewed journal article

Which schools receive state-level support for local food purchases? Evidence from reimbursement incentive programs in Michigan and Oregon

[VIEw article]

Journal: Renewable Agriculture and Food Systems

Authors: Jeff O'Hara, Becca Jablonski, and Zoë Plakias

Publication year: 2022

Peer-reviewed journal article

Measuring the Welfare Impacts of Local Food Sourcing by Institutions: A Cost-Benefit Analysis Approach [VIEW ARTICLE]

Journal: Journal of Agriculture, Food Systems, and Community Development

Authors: Zoë Plakias

Publication year: 2021

Peer-reviewed journal article

Short Value Chain Models of Healthy Food Access: A Qualitative Study of Two Approaches [VIEW ARTICLE]

Journal: Nutrients

Authors: Kathleen Krzyzanowski Guerra, Drew Hanks, Zoë T. Plakias, Susie Huser, Tom Redfern, and Jennifer Garner

Publication year: 2021

Working paper

Healthy Food, Healthy Farms? Implications of Healthy Food Policies for Agricultural Value Chains [REQuest Manuscript]

Authors: Zoë T. Plakias, Seung-hun Chung, and Lei Xu

Most recent version: 2021

Peer-reviewed journal article

Increasing Student Engagement with Agriculture in a Changing Academic Environment [VIEW ARTICLE]

Journal: Applied Economics Teaching Resources
Authors: Kristin Kiesel, Na Zuo, Zoë Plakias, Luis Moises Peña-Lévano, Andrew Barkley, Katherine Lacy, Erik Hanson, and Julianne Treme
Publication year: 2020

Home: Publications + Working Papers

Peer-reviewed journal article

Lean on your Land Grant: One University's approach to address Food Supply Chain Workforce during the COVID-19 Pandemic [VIEW ARTICLE]

Journal: Journal of Agromedicine
Authors: Dee S. Jepsen, Lisa Pfeifer, Lyda Garcia, Zoë Plakias, Shoshanah Inwood, Joy Rumble, Mary Rodriguez, Judit Puskas, and Sam Custer
Publication year: 2020

Peer-reviewed journal article

Tradeoffs in Farm to School Implementation: Larger Foodsheds Drive GREATER Local Food Expenditures [VIEW ARTICLE]

Journal: Journal of Agricultural and Resource Economics
Authors: Zoë Plakias, H. Allen Klaiber and Brian E. Roe
Publication year: 2020

Peer-reviewed journal article

Terminated marketing order provided resources to California Peach and Nectarine Growers [View article]

Journal: California Agriculture

Authors: Zoë Plakias, Rachael E. Goodhue and Jeffrey Williams

Publication year: 2020

Working paper

The Mexican PROCAMPO Farmland Subsidy and Its Effectiveness as a Rural Anti-Poverty Program [view working paper]

Authors: Ariadna Martínez González, Zoë Plakias and Mark Partridge

Most recent version: 2019

Peer-reviewed journal article

Direct Marketing Channel Choices Among U.S. Farmers: Evidence from the Local Food Marketing Practices Survey [VIEW article]

Journal: Renewable Agriculture and Food Systems

Authors: Zoë Plakias, Iryna Demko and Ani L. Katchova

Publication year: 2019

Outreach publication

The Economic Contribution of Agricultural and Food Production to the Ohio Economy [VIEW REPORT]

Format: Peer-reviewed department-published research report

Authors: Janice DiCarolis, Tim Haab, Zoë Plakias, Ian Sheldon, Brent Sohngen, and Kelli Trinoskey

Publication year: 2017

Outreach publication

Growers’ Assessments of Challenges Facing the California Rice Industry: Past and Present [VIEW article]

Journal: ARE Update

Authors: Zoë Plakias and Rachael E. Goodhue

Publication year: 2016

Working paper

Optimal Licensing for Public Intellectual Property: Theory and Application to Plant Variety Patents [VIEW WORKING PAPer]

Authors: Zoë Plakias and Julian Alston

Most recent version: 2015

Peer-reviewed journal article 

Producer Heterogeneity and Voting Power in Mandatory US Agricultural Marketing Organisations [VIEW article]

Journal: European Review of Agricultural Economics

Authors: Zoë Plakias and Rachael E. Goodhue

Publication year: 2015

Working paper

The Evolution of the California Blueberry Industry: A Social Network Analysis Approach [View working paper]

Authors: Zoë Plakias

Most recent version: 2014

Outreach publication

Old Dog, New Tricks: The Changing Role of California’s Agricultural Marketing Organizations [VIEW article]

Journal: ARE Update

Authors: Zoë Plakias

Publication year: 2013

Teaching + Advising

ECON 206: Introduction to microEconomics

This course provides an overview of the modern market economy as a system for dealing with the problem of scarcity. Operation and decision-making of economic units; supply, demand and resource allocation; analysis of various market and industry structures; shortages, controls, social costs and benefits; international trade; comparative systems. This course is open to undergraduates who have taken MATH 112 or the equivalent or who have a suitable math assessment score.

ECON 343: Population, Environment, and World Agriculture

This course utilizes economic principles to understand the interactions among population growth, food demand, agricultural development, and natural resource utilization, degradation, and conservation. This course is open to undergraduates who have taken ECON 206 or HNRS 209 or HNRS 254 or HNRS 202.

ECON 482: Advanced Topics in Environmental Economics

This course examines an extended set of applications in environmental economics, with a focus on deepening the student’s understanding of the field. Applications involve current controversies in environmental policy and management, as well as methodological issues. Topics include climate change, solid waste management and recycling, water quality, and other issues of current interest. This course is open to undergraduates who have taken ECON 383 or the equivalent and is a Writing Proficiency 3 course. It is also a required course for the Business and Sustainability major.

ECON 483: Resource Economics

This course examines principles of efficient resource allocation over time, distributional equity and cost/benefit analysis. Examines minerals and other exhaustible resources; forests, fisheries and other renewable resources; and public goods such as water and wilderness. This course is open to undergraduates who have taken ECON 306 or 309.

Undergraduate + Graduate Advising

I currently serve on the dissertation committee for Ohio State University PhD Student Lei Xu. I also advise undergraduate students in the Western Washington University Economics major and related combined majors. If you are a current undergraduate student at Western or a student at any level elsewhere in economics, please don't hesitate to contact me for opportunities or mentorship!

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Views of Mt. Baker from the deck of the S/V Hawaiian Chieftain
Strait of Juan de Fuca
Canada/US border

Photo of a snow-capped peak off in the distance, with a blue sky and wispy clouds above and a large expanse of water with small waves in the middle distance. The photo is taken from the port pin rail of a traditionally rigged ship, and the shrouds, belaying pins, and lines are in the foreground.
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